Frequently Asked Questions
How do vaccines prevent disease?
Vaccines imitate the virus or bacteria that causes sickness and cause the body to produce antibodies in response. Once a person is infected with the disease-causing virus or bacteria, these antibodies will defend them.
Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe and effective?
COVID-19 vaccines that are granted with Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are considered safe and effective based on the available evidence to date
What are the possible side effects of vaccination?
The possible side effects of a vaccine include pain, redness, itchiness or swelling at the injection site (which may last a few hours); fever; feeling of weakness or fatigue; headache; dizziness; diarrhea; or nausea. Consult the nearest healthcare professional if you experience any of these.
Can I purchase the vaccine from private clinics or pharmacies?
COVID-19 vaccinations are not available from private clinics or pharmacies. Only the government has the legal authority to buy and administer vaccines at this time. Any COVID-19 vaccine should not be sold to the general public until the Philippine FDA issues a full market authorisation.
Do I need a booster shot of COVID-19 vaccine
A booster dose is an additional dose of vaccine given to a vaccinated population after they have completed their primary vaccination series (currently one, two, or three doses of COVID-19 vaccine depending on the vaccine and the population group) when the population's immunity and clinical protection has fallen below a level deemed adequate.

*estimated effectiveness at COVID-19 prevention based on interim data from late stage clinical trials
*efficacy may differ with COVID-19 variants
How safe are COVID-19 vaccines?
Before a proposed vaccine can be given to people, it must pass through numerous steps, including exploratory science, pre-clinical testing (typically on animals), clinical development (which includes three phases of human trials), regulatory review and approval, manufacturing, and quality control.
A vaccine candidate is examined in pre-clinical tests to see if it is hazardous and how it interacts with the body in order to determine a safe dose before it is tested in people.
Vaccination is one of the most effective strategies to avoid sickness. Vaccines are thought to save between two and three million lives per year.
WHO's vaccine safety program works with governments, vaccine makers, scientists, and medical specialists to continuously monitor vaccination safety.
This ensures the safety of immunizations for you and your family.
It's possible that getting vaccinated will save your life. COVID-19 vaccinations offer excellent protection from major illness, hospitalization, and death. There's also some evidence that getting vaccinated reduces your chances of spreading the virus to others, so your decision to receive the vaccine protects others around you.
Continue to take care to protect yourself, your family, friends, and anybody else you may come into contact with after becoming vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccinations are quite effective, although some people will still become unwell after receiving the vaccine.
There's still a danger you could spread the illness to someone who haven't been vaccinated. When you can't keep this distance, wear a properly fitted mask over your nose and mouth, avoid poorly ventilated places and settings, wash your hands frequently, stay home if you're sick and get tested, and stay informed about how much virus is circulating in the areas where you travel, live, and work.